Sunday, June 21, 2009

Recent Comings and Goings

As you can see, we have been terrible about updating our blog. We have had an incredibly busy spring. I have been hired to teach at Fenger High School in Chicago, and I am moving up to the windy city on July 1st. Patrick helped me find an apartment, I’ve only seen pictures. A guy that I work with told me that I should cry when I walk into the apartment, even if I love it, just so Patrick will feel like he needs to help ease my disappointment. However, I’m sure that I will love it, and there will be no need for tears.

I was lucky enough to have Deacon Bill from St. Joseph’s move all of my furniture and more up to Chicago this week. This was a tremendous help! Now, when I leave all I have to do is load up my dog Grace and hit the road.

The other news in our lives is that with all of the job searching, apartment hunting, and moving preparation, we’ve decided that it makes more sense to postpone the wedding. We will keep everyone updated and let y’all know once we’ve picked a new date.

The most recent big news in my life is that I’m a new aunt! My sister Ryan and her husband Jase had a little boy on June 10 - Tripp Wilkerson. Since I’m a proud aunt, I’m going to include a picture of him.

Here are Adrienne, Lauren, and I in awe of Tripp's handsomeness.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

One More Thing

I was going to add this to the end of my post, but I thought it actually deserved an entire post of its own. I am SO happy that Patrick is coming to Shreveport this weekend - I cannot wait to see him. Long distance relationships are hard sometimes. I am also very excited to get to meet his parents. I'm trying to negotiate some nice warm weather and Southern hospitality for them, just kidding we always have both of those.

yada, yada, yada

I recently ran my second marathon. I am by no means speedy. A couple of my students asked me if I won and in what place I finished. I told them the person who won the Austin marathon beat me by 2 1/2 hours, but that out of the 4,000 people that finished the marathon, I came in in front of 1,000 of them. I know for all the astute people reading this that y'all, of course, realize this means that 3,000 people beat me. You caught me. I was manipulating the story so it didn't sound quite so bad. I think we do this a lot. Maybe we don't do it out loud, but we whisper these ideas to ourselves. We judge what's going on in our lives based on what we believe others around us would do or say or have done themselves. The reality is that my friend Emily and I trained for months and finished the Austin marathon. It was an incredibly hilly course, which was fine until the last 3 - 4 miles. Despite the hills, we both completed in our pb (personal best). Running a marathon all 26.2 miles of it gives you a serious feeling of accomplishment. It allows you to really see what you're made of and push yourself farther than you think you can go. When we compare ourselves to others, it can seriously diminish the real accomplishments we are making in our own lives at the pace that God is setting for us.

When I think about training for and running a marathon, I think there are a lot of comparisons that can be made to marriage. Patrick and I have been talking about a variety topics that engaged people discuss, and we have been through lots of experiences in our own lives, both separate and together, that have helped prepare us for this next step. But, I know that training only gets you so far. Marriage will test both of us to see how far we can go. It will cause us to live out our love in a real sacrificial way that will not always be as easy as it is now. However, I know that we are prepared to do this together, and I know that Patrick is the only person with whom I can even imagine taking this next step.

As I've been thinking about running and marriage, I've also been reflecting on the beginning of Lent this year and really wanting to pick a sacrifice(s) that seem(s) worthy. My friend Saba and her husband Ben are teaching in Rwanda this year, and they have both picked out thoughtful and inspiring sacrifices. I know that my time to make a decision is quickly running out, but I know one thing that I will give up this lent is comparing myself to others. It will let me say without any fear of judgment that I am proud that I finished the Austin marathon in 5 hours.

Also...I'm including a few pics from the marathon. I'm pretty sure that Patrick prefers posts with pictures, and I really do, too.

Adrienne and Allison, two of my sisters, came to Austin to cheer for Emily and me. It was great getting to hang out with them and relive a little bit of the college life. Here's one of my favorite stories from the weekend: We were walking around downtown Austin hoping to find a place to eat but not having any luck because it was Valentine's Day, finally our hunger (it might have been mostly mine) caused us to give up our search and return to eat at the hotel. On our walk back to the hotel we passed a few people who looked a little scary. One woman yelled at us. As we were approaching our hotel, Adrienne lifts the sleeve of her fleece and says, "Do you want to know a secret?" She then shows us her pepper spray, cocked and ready, just in case we got into any trouble. As a side note, we did make it back safely with no need for the pepper spray.

This is a picture that Adri and Alli took of us after the race. We were laughing because they wanted us to pretend like we were running - don't worry this is not actually what we look like when we're running. I think this might have also been when Allison told me that she was soooo tired from walking all over Austin, and she just needed to sit down and rest for a little bit.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

New Wedding Date!

August 22, 2009 - We just cannot wait! See you there.

Also, CONGRATULATIONS to Jordan today for running the Austin Marathon.

Great Job Baby!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

One day, two or three months ago, I was looking on Craigslist for a free bookshelf. I came across a posting offering free art. I was happy to find out that not only was a local Chicago artist giving away nice art, but that it was in the context of an art hunt. He provides clues to where the paintings are hidden in Chicago, and then, finders keepers. In December, my roommate Jeff and I went out on our first art hunt experience. It was -7 degrees out. We came home empty handed and cold. But it was fun.

Fast Forward. Today was another art hunt. A Valentine's Day art hunt. 14 pieces of art hidden all over the city of Chicago. My roommate Brian and I went to lunch and then were driving around downtown, on our way to Grant Park to find some art. Just as we were driving by the BEAN in Millenium park I got a clue that there was a painting there. I was the first one to get it. So - today Jordan is in Austin getting ready for tomorrow's marathon and I am in Chicago - and I really hope this is our last Valentine's Day ever apart. Ever. Even though we could not be together, this was a pretty great and romantic Valentine's Day and I cannot wait to give my art hunt treasure to my lover Jordan. I also can't wait until Jordan is here and we can hunt some art together.

The art hunt really is an awesome, fun, and generous idea. I have a lot of respect for Patrick Skoff and Sam Brown, the artists, not only for their fantastic artwork, but also for taking the time and exercising some selfless creativity to pull off events like today's hunt. Thank you Patrick. You have an awesome name. Thank you Sam. Patrick would be an inappropriate name for you. Check out Patrick Skoff's website at: - Buy some of his art.

One other thing I wanted to share with y'all. Two years ago this week, Jordan sent me a little love note. It was a "facebook gift." A little heart on an etch-a-sketch. Here is her note. I am a lucky lucky man.
"I spent 4 hours drawing this for you on my etch a sketch. The message is in code, so I'll have to explain it to you. The heart symbolizes my love for you. I bet you're having a real aha moment now!"

Jordan I love you so much. I cannot wait to see you. And marry you. Happy Valentine's Day Baby!


Saturday, January 17, 2009

One of my favorite things in the world...

is telling people about my baby, Jordan.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Yall! It's Snowing in Chicago! So nice it is.

Jordan is in Dallas looking for a wedding dress. This makes me happy.

I am, oddly, watching a Big and Rich Summerfest concert on TV thinking about marrying a southern belle and how ladies should do the right thing and get married and save a horse...

It is snowing in Chicago today. I went to Starbuck's this morning and got a coffee. It was about 6 blocks away and it was snowing hard. It was great. Jordan didn't get to see a snowstorm like this when she was here. She will though. Sometime I am going to bundle Jordan up and take her to the lake during a serious snowstorm.

I can't wait for people to meet Jordan. Oh baby. I am a lucky man. Chicago will be a better, cooler, more beautiful city when my friend and fiance moves here. I know that Jordan will miss Shreveport and that Shreveport will miss Jordan. Jordan tells me about Airline High School and youth group and we talk about her friends and family. A lot. And I love it. I know that Jordan is leaving her home for me and it makes me love her even more. Right now, for us, the best thing is to spend some time in Chicago being married and having fun and building our relationship together in the coolest city in... Illinois...that is safe. I love Louisiana though - so we will be back to the south. Often.

Ok. I am just rambling. I am lucky and blessed. I know it. I am proud to be marrying a woman like Jordan and the people that know her know exactly what I am talking about. My friends and family will figure it out pretty quickly too I think. And since I am now embracing this blog as my (Jordan's) public forum: lets pray for an end to the fighting in Gaza and attacks against Israel - and a 2009 Cubs World Series Championship to welcome Jordan to Chicago.

I like blog posts with pictures. This is one of my favorites of Jordan. Two comments:

1. I get to marry the prettiest girl I know and have ever known and will ever know. I still cannot really figure out how this happened, but sometime somewhere I said the right thing I think. I am glad that I did.

2. Jordan! - Open your freaking eyes! You are driving a vehicle with children in it, most likely. And your eyes are closed. You are probably freaking sleeping! I mean, I am planning on having children with you and you drive with your eyes closed and asleep...are you serious?

I would like to give a special shout out to my little PB. Love it.
